18 MAR 2011(FRIDAY) 晴天
This was my first holiday trip and also the first date with my dear..i felt so guilty to her since we need separate a distance of 400+km and she didn’t blame me at all,while now I ald get gud result formy stpm,but I stil donwan to choose Uni in KL as my 1st choice(that I promised her laz time),im so sry….
Bak to my journey,I was very surprised to meet the rest at the bus stop,bcz I tot I’ll be alone for my journey to and bak..so unexpected..when we reached kl tol,we amazed by the building and scenery thr,although thr a lots of tall building in penang,bt its different frm here..thn we saw their federal highway,and those ‘wide’ roads,which seldom found in penang…
Finally,we reached bkt jalil bus stop,then I immediately cal her as wat she ask ealier,after I pass thru all the ‘road block’(by samseng),finally bought the tickets,thn met my dear for the 1st time for tis yr,haha,once saw me,she ald smile,I like whn she smile,her white teeth n oso her 可爱的虎牙..wakaka…
Thn she fetch me bak her home,her mom was waiting in the living room,her look so scary,haha,bt after she spoke,din scary at all,jz tat she spoke faz,unlike her daughter who spoke slow n gentle…thn her mom fetch us to kopitiam nearby,she ordered 汤板面和干捞板面,whn the foods here,she asked the bos hw much was the mee,the bos say rm4 n rm5,the boss tot she meant exp,haha…原来她是想说怎么那么大盘。。。
After we finish our lunch,she phoneher ‘driver’ fetch us bak,whn bak,I met her dad,OMG,her dad more scary thn her mom,since he was ex-police,but thn he treat me quite gud,although he spoke a bit loud..after I brg my stuff to her bro room,we head toward midvalley…write in Chinese since here,hehe…
我们到那里时,她还走错路,幸亏她还知道还有别的路可以到parking,只是还蛮赛车的,到处都满了,可是我们没有选择的余地,只好上去碰碰运气,绕了又绕,花了20分钟终于找到位了(幸亏你听我的话,哈哈)一进到里面,我们就四处逛,最主要她是要找厕所,哈哈。。那里的店都大同小异,只是最后一层还蛮特别的,都是双层的。。之后我们就买戏票看戏,那场戏还真的是蛮闷,都不可怕,还不知道为什么她旁边的女生一直喊,在里面时,还以为给她外套会感动到她,哪里知道她自己也有带,真的是有点失望。。看完戏后,我们就到THE GARDEN 走走,那里的布置还真的是美,天花板上还有小小的LED灯,可惜的是一直没机会跟她拍照。。逛完之后,她一直喊饿,我们又拿不了主意,就只好四处逛,最后我选了一间娘惹式餐厅,哈哈,其实我知道她不是饿了,只是脚酸,脚痛。。。我还真是不体贴,让她走了那么久,而不找个地方让她休息。。过后我们点了curry laksa,mee rebus,chendol and 红豆汤。。。真是可怜她,偏偏在我带她吃好料时,才来‘那个’,哈哈。。。她也吃到好幸苦,因为那边的东西都还蛮辣的,所以我只好吩咐她吃一半,我吃了那另一半,哈哈贴心leh…只好眼睁睁看着我吃了。。。吃完后就回家了,路途中下着毛毛细雨,我和她都有闪光,只好慢慢驾。。回到家后,就看到全家在客厅‘恭候’我,哈哈。。有点不自在,幸亏我冲好凉后,他还叫我到楼上去谈天,教她做数学(虽然到最后我也是不会做,真是对不起,太久没用脑思考了。。)还有她还让我看她的熊熊,哈哈,那是她爸爸比我早一个礼拜送她的。。还蛮可爱的。。幸好她没把我的‘天使’给丢到一旁。。。谈到11点左右,我们就各自去睡了。。可是与其说睡,还不如说我是在翻床。。。
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